Our Products

Olive Pork

Olive Pork

A unique and special meat that has no competition. It has an improved flavor by containing olive oil in the pig’s feed.

BREEDING-ELPOZO SANGENTON: For this premium pig, ELPOZO OLIVE PORK, we made a selection of breeds, where we cross a certified DUROC male pig with a 50% Landrace/50% Yorkshire female pig.

FEED: The feed is enriched with Olive Oil with the aim of modifying and improving the organoleptical properties and melting point of fat and, consequently, its juiciness and flavor.

SELECTION: The consumer can rest assured 100% that you will never find an Olive Pork cut with “Boar Taint”, since it only comes from selected female pigs.

TRACEABILITY: A unique integrated process control and packaging up until delivery allows a 100% traceability from feed and agriculture, through slaughtering, cutting and packaging and until delivery of the meat, makes it possible to trace back to the origin of the meat.

Frozen Pork Single Ribbed Belly

Frozen Pork Collar Katarosu

Frozen Pork Back Loin

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