Our Products

Legado Ibérico

Legado Ibérico

Iberian products have a special and unique taste that differentiates it from the rest of pork meats. It is darker and its marbling is unique as well as its flavour.

ORIGIN: The Ibérico pig is an indigenous species that is only found in the Iberian Peninsula, key ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, recognized as tasty and healthy all around the world.

QUALITY OF BREEDING: There is a special selection of genetics and breeds to get optimum quality in the meat. Iberian pigs are raised in certified and totally controlled farms, located in natural grounds where environment and animal welfare is fully respected.

TRACEABILITY: A unique integrated Process Control that allows 100% traceability from feed, through to farming, slaughter, cutting and delivery.


Frozen Iberico Jowl Secreto

Frozen Iberico Sheet Belly 48×22

Frozen Iberico Rack Loin With Fat

Frozen Iberico Pork Collar Presa Off

Frozen Iberico Pork Boneless 4d Shoulder

Frozen Iberico Loin

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